Sandy Lam - 蓋亞 月球人 (Live in Hong Kong/2011) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Sandy Lam - 蓋亞 月球人 (Live in Hong Kong/2011)

蓋亞 月球人 (Live in Hong Kong/2011)
Gaia, the Moonman (Live in Hong Kong/2011)
為了你 流淌紅色的眼淚
For you I shed tears of red
為了你 悄然無聲的枯萎
For you I wither away silently
心力已交瘁 無力的安慰
My strength has been exhausted and my words offer no comfort
你不能體味 我已經太累
You cannot fathom how exhausted I am
我顫抖 地動山搖的陣痛
I tremble, I am in pain as the earth trembles
我身上 烙下燃燒的哀愁
My body is branded with the burning sorrow
自圓的理由 無知的藉口
Your own convenient excuses
你可曾感受 我的心難受
Have you ever felt my pain?
無可原諒 給你的希望 一點一滴的淪喪
Unforgivable, the hope I gave you has crumbled entirely
美麗的時光 熟悉的臉龐 一天一天的遺忘
The beautiful memories, the familiar face, forgotten day by day
你會看得到 地滅天荒
You will see the catastrophic end
要如何補償 決堤的真相
How can you make up for the devastating truth?
How can I?
太孤單 無可理喻的孤單
So lonely, an incomprehensible loneliness
誰承擔 不該承受的負擔
Who will bear the burden I should not have to bear?
千年的劫難 萬世的塗炭
A thousand years of hardship, ten thousand years of suffering
最終的宣判 會不會太晚
Will the final judgment come too late?
看看 我們的 過往的 美麗的 那個家 你無聲不作答
Look at our past, our beauty, our home, to which you remain silent
看看 你現在 摧毀的 只需要 一霎那 是怎樣的代價
Look at what you have destroyed now, in an instant, at what cost
後悔吧 後悔吧
Regret it, regret it
你不明白 我的悲哀
You do not understand my sorrow
我要你明白 你在傷害
I want you to understand the pain you are causing
孤注了現在 流亡了將來
You have gambled away our present and exiled our future
如果沒有愛 期待皆蒼白
Without love, hope is meaningless
沒有重來 重來...
There is no going back, no going back...

Авторы: Jun Kung, Shi Lei Chang, Xing Qiao

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